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Honey is Sweet

Good - 2006-09-10

I'm grateful for: getting to bed as early as 2am; a more organized home; Eliyahu and Simcha and John playing with the Little People all day, in the newly more spacious kitchen area

I was going to settle down to write something short and then relax and go to sleep, but I just looked and Eliyahu has soaked through his pajamas, the sheets and my neck pillow. Lovely. I'm going to be a bad mom and let him lie in his wet things until I've had a chance to write a little bit. I only just got settled on the bed. And, he's not going to get any wetter. *sigh*

Today was pretty amazing. I am so caught up on my email, that while there are a few letters I should probably write sometime, there is absolutely nothing urgent, late, or even that I would rather answer sooner. Cool.

I read all of my favourites here (but you've been writing again). I started a jigsaw puzzle with the kids and we made decent progress on it (for a terribly hot day in the middle of 'the worst heatwave of the summer'). John and I finished the really, REALLY bad movie we'd bought on dvd, called The Van. It's from the 1970's, and is pretty well awful. It has Danny DeVito in an early role, and a few good funny moments, but... Well, it only cost ten shekels (about $2.75) I can't complain too loudly.

I didn't get any Hebrew read, or studied, but Sally came by (known in my other diary as 'BFSK'). The other 'SK' has had nothing to do with us for quite a while, no loss. Sally is one of my best friends here, and it is a sadness for both of us that we don't get to see each other very much. We visited for half-an-hour, by which time I was sagging, and she was late. It was really nice.

Telephone meeting with Neil, Diana and Lyla was good for me. I said 'it's all good.' I meant that, I believe it. Sometimes it is very hard because a lot of things really don't feel good. But I see the good that comes out of them, always, eventually. Sometimes it takes longer than others. So, in the spirit of appreciating what I have I say it's all good! :-)

I want to write a huge caveat about the M.S., but I can see much good that has come from that, as well. I just don't want to. I hate having M.S. I hate being unable to function. *sigh* I still believe, though, that it is all good. Hard, but good. *sigh*

Anyway, other than that, the only news is that I lost a filling. Today was a bad day for eating chewy candies, caramels and so on. Still, I wouldn't have thought any of my fillings were in such bad shape as to just pop out like that. I'd just finished with all that dental work, too. It's not hurting, and I'm wondering if I dare put it off until my already scheduled dentist appointment in two weeks. I'd really prefer to. I just don't know how to tell how bad is it if it's not hurting. Well, I'll ask John to phone him tomorrow, and maybe we can discuss it.

Come to think of it, another news-worthy thing happened. Someone visited my fotolog, and then wrote me an email. She is seventeen, and making aliyah with her mother, and a little nervous about it all. She wants to know someone before she comes here. I asked both of my sons - does this kind of thing happen to other people? I don't think it does. Certainly not with the frequency it happens to me. *shrug*

So I wrote her back, and asked if she would like me to give her email address to Havva, who could definitely relate having made aliyah when she was eighteen. We've already exhanged about five emails. So it's not one of those things where someone writes and then vanishes. At least, not yet. She sounds like a really nice girl. She's from Chile.

I haven't really anything else to write, and I really should do something about poor Eliyahu. If I have to change the whole bed, it's going to be poor me (and poor John, who I will have to wake up for help). I really think that's what has to happen. I'm too tired for this.

Must remember it was a good day, I am not overwhelmed by everything I am behind with, and our home is getting better - and better organized. All good. *sigh* Hard, but good.


Just a quick update - the bed is changed, Eliyahu is sleeping in John's bed now so I have this one all to myself - a luxury I could get used to. And now I am going to send this, relax, work a number puzzle, and fall asleep - easily two hours earlier than last night. Yeaa! (I hope)

I'm listening to absolutely nothing

0 bleats so far

:: Yesterdays : Tomorrows ::

~~~Last Five Entries~~~
Hi and goodbye - 2010-10-15
I'll be moving on - 2010-10-10
Gold membership and stuff - 2010-10-10
Decisions, decisions - 2010-10-07
Days to go - 2010-10-06