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Honey is Sweet

Doing - 2006-11-06

I'm grateful for: major progress in the spare room; my wonderful children; fun shopping.

I just want to say for the record that it is not my fault I am not reading anyone else's diary. Everytime I try to open a diary page, I get the same message, that the server is not online. Or something that means that in more proper computer-speak. It is odd, I think, that I am able to write and post entries, and yet cannot open a diary page. Curious.

Anyway, today was a pretty good day all things considered. I got downstairs after a rather sad morning hiding out from Neil. It really was just because I needed to avoid reacting so angrily to him ... whatever is going on with me, it is not about him. I know that.

Anyway, I got downstairs to the spare room and a good day was spent moving bookcases, packing books and rearranging everything so that we have the maximum amount of stuff in the minimum amount of space. If I am home tomorrow (it is doubtful) then I will be finishing the job up now that John has brought us some new boxes home. Hans and Zechy, Simcha and Eliyahu all helped - did the lion's share of the work but it was my plan and my organization. It all worked well, anyway.

After that I collapsed upstairs for a bit. Got some stuff done, I don't remember what. Folded a bit of laundry, washed a dish or two. Not a whole lot. The body is pretty well done in, no surprize, I didn't sleep much last night and I was freezing all night and all day. Eliyahu managed to pee on my quilt in his sleep, and I was stuck using some old wool army blankets which don't keep one warm and aren't large enough for me.

However, it was a good day. The bus Neil was on hit a car on the way to Jerusalem, which he called and told me about when it happened. And later, phoned to say he didn't want to get on a bus to come home. Okay, I said, but it's like falling off a horse - you have to get right back on. He's not home yet so I don't know if he actually did get on a bus tonight.

John and I went out after supper, drove to the kenyone in Ra'anana. The goal was to shop for a laser photo printer and check out washing machines. I was convinced after checking out all the printers at office depot that I am better off with my inkjet printer, which does print off excellent photos, even though I have the issues of the ink running &tc. Not all the time or anything, but I'd prefer to print my photos in a more permanent fashion. We even shopped around looking for a fixative that might work on inkjet printing, like you can use a fixative on charcoal. No luck.

So now John is going to look for one of those printers - don't ask me what they are called, I am without a clue - which use basically the same process as photo studios to create the prints. We priced them a couple of years ago and the prices were prohibitive. Now, though, I'm thinking if we can make it work, it would certainly be worth it for me. And in the meantime, my inkjet does an excellent job, if I can get them in plastic sleeves or something like immediately. It would certainly be easier if I had any space that was safe from children, cats, dogs, and various vicissitudes of life.

That was as far as we got with our original plan. We had a good time, though. I bought three movies on dvd - two Israeli movies I doubt anyone would have heard of (one is called Made In Israel and is supposed to be an over-the-top comedy) and Runaway Bride. John bought some kind of earpiece for his phone, so he can talk while driving. Oy, he is such a good driver without the phone already. He almost got us in an accident on the way home because he wouldn't decide whether or not to let another car in. I don't want to get started.

I picked up some new (to me) kind of treat, mini-rice-cakes with dark chocolate on one side. And some bandage tape, and we bought some really bad fast food in the food court and then came home. It was fun.

Here, Hans and Zechy were awake, and Simcha came up to say hi when we got home. John and Zechy and I watched a Twilight Zone episode, very good. John went downstairs to do battle once again with the major creditor, who seem to be determined *not* to let us do the right thing. We had what we thought was an agreement more than a month ago, but they never sent us the paperwork. And now are trying to browbeat us again into coughing up money we haven't got. I am so torn - wanting to do the 'right' thing vs. wanting to move and not give them the forwarding address. We have tried, repeatedly, to work with them, and instead we get insulted and threatened. And while we have worked in good faith with them, I have to wonder why it is we make what we think are agreements with them (this is not the first) something always happens to screw it up like them not getting the paperwork to us. I throw up my hands. If Hashem wants us paying them, He will make it clear somehow. I can't keep banging my head against that brick wall.

I cleared out a little bit of the junk on my computer, and then instead of going right to bed as I'd intended, I ended up having a very nice chat with Hans. He is a wonderful young man, despite Asperger's, despite whatever weirdness and troubles he may have from my bugshit, my being disabled, his abba being a selfish immature dickhead and his life being thoroughly upheaved (if that is a word) several times already. He is waiting quite patiently for his release from the army, and has what seems like quite a good and sensible plan for what he intends to do next. I look forward to the day he can move forward, and I dread it also. How blessed we parents are. Well, some of us, anyway.

And, at last, here I am in bed. Must try and get to sleep at a decent hour, as best I can, because I am going to try to take the kids to the zoo tomorrow for a homeschoolers meeting. Simcha's and Eliyahu's best friends will be there, and we haven't been in SO long. Hans is coming along to help, and (Gd forbid) to help with the driving in a pinch. Not that I don't think he can drive, but the first time driving the van should not be in Jerusalem traffic or on highway 6.

I do want to finish in the spare room. I also want to take care of some financial matters that are getting quite pressing, pack some stuff in my room and maybe even write a letter or two. I am ambitious. But level-headed enough to know that if I get one of those things done tomorrow, that is a successful day.

I'm listening to John saying goodnight to Hans, and my great-great-grandmother cat Joyce purring on the foot of my bed.

0 bleats so far

:: Yesterdays : Tomorrows ::

~~~Last Five Entries~~~
Hi and goodbye - 2010-10-15
I'll be moving on - 2010-10-10
Gold membership and stuff - 2010-10-10
Decisions, decisions - 2010-10-07
Days to go - 2010-10-06