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Honey is Sweet

Corrosion - 2008-05-05

I'm grateful for: email meetings and conference calls; wonderful children; honey & cinnamon tea, and chocolate.

It's almost 2am and I am watching Eagle cam and then I am going to sleep. I hope. Long, very difficult day. My laptop went into the shop, my laptop came home from the shop, inbetween somehow there is news that my laptop is dying by degrees. Somehow some corrosion got started inside the box, and now is on every component. They say there were no signs of it two weeks ago. What can I do? I paid fifteen thousand shekel, that I really could have used for other things, for this computer, and now I'm going to have to buy another one? I just don't know.

Anyway, it works today, and taat's all I'm going to think about right now.

S2 had a driving lesson, and I gave him some aconite, a homeopathic remedy, because he gets too anxious, and he says it helped. He's testing again tomorrow. I really pray he passes, mostly because the longer this drags on the harder it is on him. It costs us about a thousand shekel a month, which we could use for other others for sure, but that's not a deal breaker. Once S2 had his drivers license, he can turn his stress to other things. ;-) Wish we could make him not stress, but he's seventeen, and life isn't like that.

I exercised to day, just a wee bit over the statutory minimum of twenty minutes on the exercycle. I'm glad, 'cause it's better than not exercising. I really hope I start doing better, so's I can get back to feeling good about exercising again.

The pain is here. The pain sucks. The pain is strong.

I can't think of anything else. Tomorrow TH stays home, S2 tests, D3 takes a riding lesson, and theoretically TH and I go out for anight out without the children. Hashem willing and the pain permits.

I'm listening to my fan.

0 bleats so far

:: Yesterdays : Tomorrows ::

~~~Last Five Entries~~~
Hi and goodbye - 2010-10-15
I'll be moving on - 2010-10-10
Gold membership and stuff - 2010-10-10
Decisions, decisions - 2010-10-07
Days to go - 2010-10-06