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Honey is Sweet

Grabbing a moment - 2008-08-19

I'm grateful for: walking; shoes with arch suppert (Top-siders I bought almost ten years ago, they still work); the beginning of the end of summer.

When I moved to Israel, I changed my name. Not a big deal, lots of people do it. I've been here four years now, and I feel comfortable enough with my new name that I find myself even signing letters and emails to people I knew back in the U.S. with it. It's kind of funny that I find myself missing the nickname/alias I used in the states. I never used my legal name there - that's a long story - if I could help it, I had another name I used for everything. All my friends and my husband and family called me by that name. I liked it. I still like it. I like my new name, too, but, well, I liked the nickname better.

People are strange, and I am one of them...

My life remains incredibly busy - for me. As I often remark, what I do in a day would not in any way faze an able-bodied person, or even a lot of crips. However, for me I am doing a LOT. I am especially doing a lot taking into account it is summer in Israel. It is the second half of summer, and just past (but not really) the hottest part. The fact that I am still moving at all is a kind of miracle. I'm glad, but I kind of miss people I connected with and things I did when I was bed-ridden, and relied on the computer for almost everything. Not to worry, I will be back to spending WAY more time than I'd like in bed soon enough probably. M.S., for me, seems to have a way of repeating itself.

I haven't been getting on my exercise bike, even though it now works fine. Partly because of the heat. It would be stupidly dangerous for me to force my body to overheat. But also because I am getting plenty of exercise just living my life. Yesterday after going to the hospital I went to the beach with TH and some of the kids. I walked all the way from the car (not that short a distance, and a long ramp into the bargain), I walked in the sand. I walked a bit in the water, not quite up to my waist and quite calm, I walked in the sand some more. I walked UP the long ramp and back to the car.

Later, we had to take S3 to the dr., and I walked all of that to. I walked pushing the wheelchair, which I use as a walker. I could sit in it while waiting outside the dr.s office (do any dr.s offices have chairs a person can actually sit it??). Afterwards I walked to a small shopping area with S3 and bought him an ice and flavoured water. Mayim v'ta'am, 'water and taste' in Hebrew. I walked to the fountain and we stood by it until TH came back, and I walked to the car.

As an aside, I am very conflicted about the fountain. Israel is suffering one of the worst water-shortages I can remember (there may have been worse in the beginning, I don't know the history well enough) - and people are running these incredibly wasteful fountains, and in the summer! In the heat of the day for maximum evaporation. It drives me crazy! And yet, this one fountain, in this one shopping mall, it is SO pleasant to see it, to sit by it, to feel the moisture in the air and the slightly cooler air it creates around it. *sigh* Most fountains I see are just wasteful - people can't even walk up and enjoy them. This one, well, I am conflicted.

Mind you, I love fountains generally. If we weren't in the middle of this huge water shortage (this is a desert after all), and if it wasn't the heat of summer, I wouldn't mind.

I walked around Netivot and did a little shopping. Later I went out w/TH to see a movie. I can't remember it's name, it's about a jewel theft in 1960 London, very good, very suspenseful right up until the end, when it completely wimps. Some people just don't know how to end a movie.

I've been interrupted, and my day started, so I can't write more. D3 turning her horse on a dime, S3 needing the medicated cream on his back, and so forth and so on. Be well, all, and Gd bless,

I'm listening to the fan, again, in a brief and blissful moment of quiet.

0 bleats so far

:: Yesterdays : Tomorrows ::

~~~Last Five Entries~~~
Hi and goodbye - 2010-10-15
I'll be moving on - 2010-10-10
Gold membership and stuff - 2010-10-10
Decisions, decisions - 2010-10-07
Days to go - 2010-10-06