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Honey is Sweet

A 'Special Olympics' rant - 2009-03-21

I left a note which I need to share a little bit more loudly here because it bears repeating, and because I want no one to be in any doubt about this.

"I'm stunned. The athletes who compete in the special olympics aren't even really people to some of you people. If they aren't part of an inspirational cripple story, then they are handy for a gratuitous insult - and that is all they are good for. To compare someone to the Special Olympics is to put them in the same class as world-class athletes who are not allowed to compete along side their able-bodied counterparts, put up with the kind of horrific discrimination would make liberals cry out in outrage against if it was being perpetrated against 'people of colour,'; people who ARE, in fact, 'inspirational cripples' and are kept as second class citizens, the most disenfranchised of all minority populations. The 'leader of the free world' can use just the name as a put-down, and you don't even see it, perpetuating the problem by trying to use it as an insult. Well, I am insulted and I don't even qualify for the special olympics - but I have known and respected people who did. If I were as good a person as those athletes are, I'd be more than insulted. It IS an outrage, not a goofy little faux-pas that we can brush aside because 'the other guy was worse.'"

Let there be no bones about it. President 0bama needs to be judged not by comparison to any other president, but on his own merits. And so far I am not impressed. I am not surprised that the current president thinks nothing of such an insult when he has tried so hard - and succeeded - at insulting, offending and driving off the country's foreign allies and friends.

Either he really is that ignorant, insensitive and uncaring, or he is REALLy too stupid to be let out alone at night. I scorn the 'political correctness' that insists that I not call myself a cripple (I am 'disabled,' not even 'handicapped' anymore). yet the man who represents the entire country can't be expected to spare a thought for the most disregarded subset of the population.

It is popular these days to drag up the name of Hitler whenever we are talking about someone we don't like. Who knows who Hitler's first victims were -- before anyone had put a yellow star on their clothing he had killed three-quarters of a million people - the disabled. And no one raised any sort of a hue or a cry. Almost no one today even knows about it. Who cares, they weren't contributing to society anyway.

I am becoming intemperate and will be more so if I continue. This is NOT a small thing, it is not 'merely' thoughtless. It is not all right for the President of the United States to BE that thoughtless, not in public and not on television for heaven's sake! And don't let's pretend that what any previous president did or did not do has any bearing on this president's failings. If you really think the last president was so bad, then saying that this one is better is kind of damned by faint praise, don't you think - question mark. If that's the only thing you can think of to say in his favour - well, you said it, not me.

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Decisions, decisions - 2010-10-07
Days to go - 2010-10-06