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Honey is Sweet

Trying to fall behind a little more slowly - 2006-06-13

I can't believe how much has piled up since I've had a chance to sit down and write here. It's after 4am, and I really, really should be sleeping, but again it's been a roller-coaster. Unbelievable.

I got an email from mother last night. What time was it? After midnight I think but definitely before 2am. That my uncle, her brother, had gone missing with a link to the news articles. If anyone's been reading about a certain newspaper publisher/diplomat who went out in his boat and hasn't been found, yup, that's my uncle. Whee! So now you know who I am for blackmail or purposes of revenge. *grin* No, really.

I can't help being silly at this hour. I don't need to say that I couldn't really sleep after that. And I had to phone my sister, because mother sent her email also, and Diana doesn't check her email that often. Talked to Diana - talked to mother - talked to Diana again. Watched the news reports, which multiplied, but had no further information. Discovered that my uncle had been given the DSM in 1988. Had to sit there and try to figure out how it was I didn't know that? Figured out that in 1988 I had Hans, started incest recovery, had my first M.S. symptom onset, and probably missed a good few things that had been happening around me.

Went up to bed, intending to write something, but crashed hard. Which was good, only I didn't sleep more than six hours. Back down at the computer this morning watching the news. It seems to have been big news in the states. I got a lot of phone calls. I didn't want to talk to anyone but I haven't been returning phone calls so I figured I'd better get down to it.

I haven't had a chance to mention it but today is Havva's birthday. She is twenty. So on top of not enough sleep and ordinary things, including weeding out the movies (we got rid of like a hundred - no worries, we have over 600 left), was planning for a small birthday party. We only do small parties since we moved to Israel. Partly because of being broke, and partly because of not having the time or energy for anything more. John was driving to Jerusalem to pick up a Fender amplifier for her guitar. We'd had to leave the amp behind when we made aliyah, there hadn't been any room in our baggage (or, likely, on the plane. We had a *lot* of stuff. *grin*).

I told him to tell his boss we had a family crisis, which got him out of work early. The family crisis wasn't the uncle, though, it was that the younger children hadn't had a chance to get birthday presents for Havva. Yikes! John made it to Jerusalem, back home, and to the gift shop in the kenyone and the supermarket (for ice cream cake) before Havva got home. Barely. Havva's boss let her leave early. I know it's her birthday, but couldn't her boss have been a little more considerate?

What can I say, silliness.

There's a long history with my uncle which I would love to write here if time permits, but this is just a quick 'what's been happening while I haven't been writing anything' update. I really must try and get some sleep. I have ulpan tomorrow and homework to do.

I should say, for people who have better memories than mine, that this uncle is not (obviously) the one who reared me, and died about two and a half years ago and I go on and on about on occasion. This is 'my rich uncle the asshole.' Maybe it's unfair in that he was a really decent person in a lot of ways. But he was such an asshole to me, that, well...

Hopefully I'll get to write it out. Not tonight. It's still before 4:30am. I'm going to try and get to sleep before John has to get up for work again. What a life.

Oy. I also haven't mentioned that my friend in Alabama, the one with cancer, died this weekend. Been a very full weekend. I wish I could have said goodbye properly. Which to me means in person. She seems to have passed on smoothly and painlessly. I hope she can see me when I write that I love her. Although if she is sticking around I doubt I am the person she most wants to be near.

Lot of people dying/leaving my life these days. I hope it's not the start of something much bigger. I hope my uncle and aunt and cousins are taken care of, whatever that means in this instance. Do I hope they find the body? Do I hope he's still alive, somewhere? I guess best I can do is pray that they are given all the support and love that they need right now. I wrote my aunt a letter. It should be published. Oy! It's the best I could do, though.

And I really, truly am going to go to bed. Wish me sleep. Wish me some quiet days with nothing more exciting going on than some laundry and feeding the chickens. Wish me a motor home and John with a permanent telecommuting job and the kids settled in their own homes and lives, no, wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. Okay, sleep then. I could use some sleep.

Good night

0 bleats so far

:: Yesterdays : Tomorrows ::

~~~Last Five Entries~~~
Hi and goodbye - 2010-10-15
I'll be moving on - 2010-10-10
Gold membership and stuff - 2010-10-10
Decisions, decisions - 2010-10-07
Days to go - 2010-10-06