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Honey is Sweet

!!! - 2006-08-05

I'm grateful for: my laptop; a room of my own; not pushing myself

What she wrote:

I love my country

I was against the war in Iraq, not because I thought Sadaam Hussein wasn't a mad dog who needed to be taken out behind the barn and shot, but because I believed it distracted our country from the real threat: Al Qaida.

I'm against Bush. Always have been, always will be. He has lied to us, spied on us, and used our losses to promote his personal agenda. And those are his good points.

I have yet to hear a single 'solution' to illegal immigration that I don't consider to be far more dangerous then the problem.

I am what is fondly called a 'Bleeding heart liberal.'

And I love my country.

Every week I recieve emails, read editorials, and see bumper stickers declaring that because I do not vote republican, am not conservative, and believe the tired old chestnut about 'Send me your tired, your poor . . . ' and etc. : I am anti-American, I consider the 'braves heros' of our armed forces rabid baby killers, and do not deserve the peace and prosperity that I have only becase out there sacrifice, and in short I represent everything that is wrong with this country.

Well fuck you.

I mourn the loss of every soldier killed in this idealistic, unneccessary war, and i regonize the fact that we can not bring them home immediately with making their sacrifice in vain. i salute the soldiers seartching the hills of Afghanistan, and pray that they find our enemies and come home safely.

I say that my country's sworn word should mean more then ink on a page, that the breaking of the Geneva Convention at Gitmo is a violation of everything that is America.

I believe that as a country founded on the blood of immigrants, refugees and criminals we betray our history and our ancestors every time we turn away a desperate man seeking a better life.

i believe that there are no easy answers.

I believe that the world s better off without Sadaam Hussien.

I believe that we have the right to seek out, detain. and prosecute enemies of our country and our people.

I believe that our current immigration policies do not work, and that there has never in history been a place or time when walls stopped desperate men.

230 years ago a group of rich desperate pompous assholes decided to try something that had never been done before:

They created a country based on IDEALS

And any stuffed shirt conservative fuck head who believes I am betraying America by holding it to those ideals can go burn a flag.



What I wrote:

Dear Jessica,

I am glad to hear you love your country - not that I ever doubted it.

I have to tell you, though, that the term 'bleeding heart liberal' can't really be used proudly, or fondly.

The term is not complimentary. It was coined, in the fifties, to describe the wealthy Manhattan housewives who sat on the floor at catered functions singing 'We Shall Overcome' while treating the (mostly black, poor, Puerto Rican and/or Mexican) servers like dirt, no, like they didn't even exist. And then wrote $10 checks to 'support' the lovely 'pore peepul' who were suffering in far away places while treating the household help (usually black, but sometimes Mexican or Puerto Rican) as slaves or worse. And making very, very sure that none of them went to school with their children, or lived in their neighbourhoods.

A 'bleeding heart liberal' is someone who's heart *bleeds*, just ask them.

Be liberal. Be as liberal as you please. It's been written that anyone who is not a liberal in their youth has no heart. I know you have a big heart.

Because some people choose to use the term 'bleeding heart liberal' indiscriminately, to refer to ALL liberals or democrats with it, is no reason to seize it as a banner to march under.

I love hearing from you, even if it's only to blow off steam. Sending huge love and hugs to all of you there, and hoping I can see you again sometime soon. Yes, your abba has another job on offer in the states... We only hope this one will pan out.

Be well and Gd bless,




As it turns out I haven't sent it yet. Don't know if I will. It's all curious the way this stuff works.

Today has been long and difficult. I'm in my room, where I don't want to be, but there is no place else in the house I can go. It is too hot and stuffy, but I can't keep the door open or people pile in here. Three people in this room means there isn't enough oxygen for any of us. The sun is shining, the sky is bright, I haven't a lick of energy and I am waiting, please Gd, for something to change already.

Gd will change our circumstances, but first He will use them to change us. What fun.

Eliyahu is chattering in my ear.

After Neil was just driving me out of my tree with his flaming insanity.

I've got to go

I'm listening to: Eliyahu chattering I don't know what

0 bleats so far

:: Yesterdays : Tomorrows ::

~~~Last Five Entries~~~
Hi and goodbye - 2010-10-15
I'll be moving on - 2010-10-10
Gold membership and stuff - 2010-10-10
Decisions, decisions - 2010-10-07
Days to go - 2010-10-06